Poverty & Homelessness

Poverty is a state or condition in which one lacks the financial resources and essentials for a certain standard of living. Poverty can have diverse social, economic, and political causes and effects.

Poverty destroys lives. It robs people of joy, hope, and opportunities. It tears families apart, isolates those most in need of support, and leads many to believe there is no way out.

Our goal is to seek to end world poverty and protect people’s dignity with greater prosperity for all.

How does The Trusted Save Help?

The Trusted Save is responding to global poverty by :

  • Influencing decision-makers and addressing cumulative, long-term, indirect, and global consequences on Poverty and Homelessness within the United Nations, and other Poverty and homelessness organisations around the world .
  • Carrying out research and evaluation to inform policy and practice and help end homelessness.

  • Supporting poverty and homelessness organizations, and the communities with essential advice, foods vouches, shelters and many other items they need .

  • Addressing wider social conditions that contribute to poverty

  • Supporting community development initiatives to build resilience and social cohesion

  • Supporting community programs and organizations that help people start businesses and become self-sufficient

  • Helping people have more control over the decisions that affect their lives.

  • Encouraging others to integrate empowerment into their work.

  • Researching factors that contribute to poverty and how to alleviate them.

  • Researching sustainable ways to manage resources and reduce the effects of poverty.

  • Implementing overarching development and investment policies that encourage food production, including policies on agricultural training, farmer support, strengthening food markets.
  • Promoting more productive agriculture through provision of significant support to pastoral farmers and fishermen in terms of access to land , agricultural inputs, water control, market organisation.
  • Providing to the poorest water wells, hand pumps, and household water treatment capabilities through the use of filters, solar disinfection, or flocculants to make drinking water safe.
  • Defending and promoting human rights around the world.
  • Challenging unjust laws, policies and practices.

Join us today and break poverty by giving poor families around the world what they need

Your donation to global poverty is needed now more than ever!

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